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NCWSA seeks proposals from qualified geotechnical consultants.

The NCWSA is requesting Proposals for Geotechnical Consulting Services for ASEWRF Phase 2A LAS (the Project). The Project will consist of, but not limited to, soil borings on the site, lab analysis of soils from the site, and a report of the findings signed and sealed by a professional geologist or professional engineer registered in […]

Newton County Water and Sewerage Authority Opens Doors to Community Leaders

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 6/14/23 Newton County Water and Sewerage Authority Opens Doors to Community Leaders Water Authority Key to Quality Economic Development and Newton County Growth COVINGTON, GA, JUNE 14, 2023 – Yesterday, The Newton County Water and Sewage Authority (NCWSA) welcomed state and local officials, and community leaders, to an Open House event at […]

Backflow Electronic Reporting System

Backflow Electronic Reporting System     Effective 5/2/2022,the Newton County Water and Sewerage Authority will begin utilizing the services of TecNXS, LLC. and its electronic reporting system, AquaResource, to track annual backflow testing. We hope you enjoy the following benefits provided through the AquaResource software: The cost for testers to submit a passing backflow test […]

Authority Permanent Restrictions

Newton County Water and Sewerage Authority permanent restrictions are is follows: Drought Response Level I Measures: Under a Level 1 Drought Response, the outdoor water use schedule required under the Water Stewardship Act of 2010 remains in place.  This schedule allows outdoor water use year-round between 4 p.m. and 10 a.m. In addition, the following […]